Book an Appointment
#A colouring session is not recommended for guests new to Petopia as we'd prefer to understand your animal companion's skin and coat health well enough over a few styling sessions prior to tailoring an appropriate session. ##This is applicable for severe flea or tick infestation where the parasites have to be manually extracted one by one, to prevent further infestation.
# the preferred time slot states the time at which a session would commence. As such the time slot for the 2nd companion and beyond would be allocated upon verification with our schedule.
Please indicate which areas that require extra attention.
Please indicate if your animal companion(s) has/have the following conditions. If yes, prolonged standing will result in extreme discomfort. We'd need to assign an assistant for your companion :
Please indicate which character trait(s) and/ or idiosyncracies best describes your animal companion.
I am aware and agree to the privacy policy and the terms of use governing the information provided by me.